

Aspys is an enterprise phishing detection software system. Through a universal whitelist/blacklist, refined email/website safety rating algorithms, and a simple but powerful end-user interface, Aspys makes phishing attempts against your organization easy to identify and streamlines the process of responding to them.

🖥 Features & Usage

Domain Checking

Every email sent to members of your organization is vetted upon being opened, displaying an indicator that varies in accordance with the email's safety, as shown below. This ensures that it's from a domain that your organization trusts (e.g. internal email domains or official noreply addresses), rather than a potentially fraudulent source.

Mission Control

Aspys offers an admin interface that allows for the customization of an organization-level domain/address whitelist and blacklist (see above), as well as other toggleable features.

Email Safety-Checking

This is an upcoming feature. More information will be available soon.

Website Safety-Checking

This is an upcoming feature. More information will be available soon.

📆 Plans & Pricing

Enterprise Edition

NOTE: Any potential fees or donations potentially requested for Aspys in the future are to offset its server hosting costs.

🔐 Privacy & Security Statement

What information is stored?

We only store as much information as is absolutely necessary to bring Aspys to your staff:

Besides phishing reports, no personal data is remotely stored. All user preferences are configured locally and are not collected.

How secure are our transfer, storage & login methods?


Is organization or user data shared with anyone else?


👥 About the Developers

Aspys is brought to you by the La Cañada High School Cybersecurity Club, a group of passionate students who are ineterested in software development, ethical hacking, privacy, and online safety. We work to keep LCUSD safe, and offer our services to other districts as well.